30min Semi-Private Tutoring @Phinney
30min Semi-Private Tutoring @Phinney
Small group Spanish tutoring at Phinney Center, in Seattle. Each person books individually.
Service Description
Our In-Person Language Classes are a great way for you to introduce you to a language or better your knowledge. The teachers create a personalized curriculum based on each student's individual needs and preferences. PAYMENT OPTIONS: We offer in-person tutoring in 6- or 10-session packages. A package works like a punch-card system: Each time you book a session, you use one of the sessions included in the package. The package is valid for a year from date of purchase. BOOKING & CANCELLATION: Students must book each class separately through our online calendar, at least a week in advance. If a session has not been booked on our calendar, we will assume the class will not be held. Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours before your scheduled class (except in case of unexpected medical or emergency situations). You can cancel by logging into your member account in the top right corner of our web page and navigating to the session you wish to change under My Bookings. Please also be sure to confirm with the teacher via email or in person during the previous session. If the student does not show up for a class, or we receive a late notification (less than 24 hours in advance), we won’t be able to make up the class, and the class will be paid in full. IMPORTANT NOTE: Flexible class packages are not eligible for refunds, as once it is purchased, we plan our teacher capacity needs using that information. For in-person classes, since we don't offer free trials, we still guarantee students will be happy with their class and will want to continue. However, if they are not happy after the first class, we refund the balance of the package they bought. For online classes, flexible packages are non-refundable.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Our Online Classes and Tutoring sessions must be booked at least a week in advance.
Contact Details
6532 Phinney Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103, USA
(206) 408-2668